Arbitration vs. Mediation

Arbitration vs. Mediation

When people or businesses have a legal disagreement, several things may happen. They may be able to come to an agreement. Both sides get their attorneys involved, to negotiate or to file a lawsuit. Others go straight to the courthouse and move their wrangle to the...
Is Alimony Allowed in Alabama Divorces?

Is Alimony Allowed in Alabama Divorces?

Couples facing a divorce may wonder if the judge will order one party to pay maintenance to the other. It’s a valid concern. State laws about divorce vary, some alimony may be more likely in some states. As an Alabama resident, it is only normal to wonder if alimony...
Reasons to Hire a Business Lawyer

Reasons to Hire a Business Lawyer

If you’ve ever started or operated a business, you know a lot about hard work, determination – and stress. It makes sense to protect the investment on which you have spent so much energy and money. One way to do that is to hire professionals with business experience....
Personal Injury Attorney Alabama