

How to handle divorce if you have kids

How to handle divorce if you have kids

Divorce is a tough experience for anyone, but with kids in the mix it can be overwhelming. There are many important decisions that need to be made, and this blog will help you make those decisions as smoothly as possible.  When you're going through a divorce, it's...

Four Everyday Business Law Issues

Four Everyday Business Law Issues

Business owners and jugglers have a lot in common. The difference lies in what they are ‘juggling.’ Instead of brightly-colored rubber balls, entrepreneurs keep their eyes on daily operations, agreements and contracts, research and confidential company information,...

Why Do-it-Yourself Divorce May Not Be Best

Why Do-it-Yourself Divorce May Not Be Best

When faced with the prospect of ending a marriage, you may be tempted to attempt a do-it-yourself divorce. After all, you know your spouse and yourself better than anyone and should have no trouble ironing out your differences, right? However, appearances can be...

Does Alabama Recognize Legal Separation?

Does Alabama Recognize Legal Separation?

David and Alma were married in Texas but moved to Alabama shortly after the ceremony. Four years later, the couple wasn’t sure they wanted to remain married. They were not sure about divorcing either. Their home state of Texas did not allow legal separation. As David...

Arbitration vs. Mediation

Arbitration vs. Mediation

When people or businesses have a legal disagreement, several things may happen. They may be able to come to an agreement. Both sides get their attorneys involved, to negotiate or to file a lawsuit. Others go straight to the courthouse and move their wrangle to the...

Is Alimony Allowed in Alabama Divorces?

Is Alimony Allowed in Alabama Divorces?

Couples facing a divorce may wonder if the judge will order one party to pay maintenance to the other. It’s a valid concern. State laws about divorce vary, some alimony may be more likely in some states. As an Alabama resident, it is only normal to wonder if alimony...

Reasons to Hire a Business Lawyer

Reasons to Hire a Business Lawyer

If you’ve ever started or operated a business, you know a lot about hard work, determination – and stress. It makes sense to protect the investment on which you have spent so much energy and money. One way to do that is to hire professionals with business experience....

Why You Need an Estate Plan

Why You Need an Estate Plan

There are many excuses for why people don’t prepare an estate plan. However, the reasons you need an estate plan far outweigh the reasons for not having one. Without an estate plan, how will your family know what to do with your property? You can reduce some of your...

Estate Planning Through the Years

Estate Planning Through the Years

Some may say estate planning is a “cradle to the grave” process. In fact, it’s crucial to devote thought and time to estate planning through the years because estate plans do touch on people of all ages. From Birth to Age 18 Minors cannot sign estate planning...

Can You Avoid Probate in Alabama?

Can You Avoid Probate in Alabama?

The process of proving a Will and administering an estate may seem mysterious. But that’s exactly what probate is. “Proving” the Will happens when a deceased person’s Will is presented to a probate court. The judge establishes the validity of the Will so that the...

How to Set Up a Family Limited Partnership

How to Set Up a Family Limited Partnership

Most people agree that families are an important part of society. Families provide a place for people to support each other in many ways, including personal growth and financial needs. Sometimes family members will even go into business with each other. One form of...

What Does a Business Lawyer Do?

What Does a Business Lawyer Do?

When you think of what business lawyers do, you may think that their practice is boring or that they make massive corporate deals all day and party all night. The truth is somewhere in between. A local Anniston business lawyer may not be involved in huge corporate...

Does Your Loved One Need a Conservatorship?

Sometimes people need a little help. For example, Alma’s car was repossessed last week. She forgot to pay her bills for several months due to her rapidly progressing Alzheimer’s disease. After Todd suffered a serious brain injury in a car accident, no one was...

Who Can Serve as a Mediator?

Who Can Serve as a Mediator?

When you are involved in a legal dispute, sometimes mediation provides the help you need. A form of alternative dispute resolution, mediation allows people on both sides of the disagreement to meet with a neutral party – the mediator. Although the mediator acts as a...

The Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning

The Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning

Every week, many Americans head to the closest hardware or home improvement supply store, always with the best of intentions. But when the showerhead you installed sprays water all over the bathroom, it’s easy to fix and clean up the mess. The same cannot be said of...

Why You Should Take Your Case to Mediation

Why You Should Take Your Case to Mediation

If you find yourself in the position of being sued or suing someone, you may wish there was a better way. In some cases, there may be a better way to proceed – mediation. In this article, we will review three reasons you should take your case to mediation. Because You...

3 Types of Business Contracts You Might Need

3 Types of Business Contracts You Might Need

Every business uses contracts. From the formation of the business through its operations, sales, and employee relationships, written business contracts make things happen. Contracts also prevent misunderstandings about your agreements. In keeping with our topic –...

Is an S Corporation Right for You?

Is an S Corporation Right for You?

Starting up a business involves many decisions, including which type of business entity to choose. For example, a business might operate as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation. But there are two basic kinds of corporation – a...

Taking the Mystery Out of Mediation

Taking the Mystery Out of Mediation

Some mysteries are minor like: Why do socks disappear in the dryer and why does time move slower as you approach home after a long trip? However, there are mysteries that affect some of your most important decisions. For example, people may have heard the word...

Do I Need a Durable Power of Attorney

Do I Need a Durable Power of Attorney

The closing on Emily’s house just happened to coincide with her all-expenses paid, non-refundable Caribbean cruise. The closing documents had to be signed in person, by either Emily or someone with her authority. She honestly did not know what she was going to do....

7 Elements of Basic Estate Planning

7 Elements of Basic Estate Planning

Without question, estate planning involves some of the most important decisions you will ever make. The plans you make and the documents you sign will vary depending on your individual situation. However, it is important to make sure that you at least cover the...

Asset Protection for Small Business Owners

Asset Protection for Small Business Owners

There are many reasons to start a business: make money, make a difference in the world, build a legacy, or continue your family’s legacy. One reason a business owner would not form a company is to let someone take it away. That’s where asset protection comes in. Small...

Pros and Cons of a Revocable Living Trust

Pros and Cons of a Revocable Living Trust

Hopefully, you have already prepared a basic estate plan: Will, durable power of attorney, and healthcare power of attorney. However, you may have heard of a revocable living trust. Before deciding to create and fund a revocable trust, you need to consider some of the...

How to Get Compensated After a Car Crash

How to Get Compensated After a Car Crash

In 2017, traffic accidents occurred in Alabama about every 200 seconds. The typical Alabama driver faces at least a one-in-three chance of being involved in a car accident that results in injury or death. In addition to physical injury, auto accidents can cause...

5 Important Facts About Trusts

5 Important Facts About Trusts

From revocable living trusts to gun trusts to pet trusts to celebrity trusts gone wrong, it seems everyone is talking about trusts. They are a powerful estate planning tool in the right hands. However, you might want to consider some important facts...

Are You Prepared for the Future?

Are You Prepared for the Future?

We plan all kinds of things in our lives. Some decisions may be simple, like what we’ll have for lunch tomorrow, while other plans are much more complex. For example, how much time have you spent preparing for the future? With estate planning, you can put prepare a...

3 Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

3 Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

Small business owners sometimes wear a lot of hats – entrepreneur, business planner, payroll specialist, and manager. When you are running a company, it’s easy to make mistakes. In fact, we are going to look at three specific mistakes many small business owners make....

Will Your Out-of-State Will Work in Alabama?

Will Your Out-of-State Will Work in Alabama?

If you’ve seen one Will, you’ve seen them all. This might seem to make sense until you consider the fact that states frequently exercise their right to enact their own laws. People are told that everyone needs an estate plan or at least a Will, but Wills have to...

What Mediation Can Do for You

What Mediation Can Do for You

Participating in a trial is not something most people want to do, at least not more than once. Litigation can be expensive and stressful as your time and money are focused on a courtroom battle. However, there are alternatives. In fact, alternative dispute resolution...

A Time of Reflection and Review

A Time of Reflection and Review

As a new year begins, we tend to spend time in reflection and review. Events from the passing year lead us to make resolutions to start anew and make the new year just a little bit different. As you think of the major events in your life, consider your estate plans....

How to Navigate the Probate Courts

How to Navigate the Probate Courts

After someone passes away, their estate usually goes through probate, which is uncharted waters for most people. When navigating the potentially rough waters of Alabama probate courts, it helps to understand how it all works. Assessing the Situation Did the person who...

What Does a Mediator Do?

What Does a Mediator Do?

Sometimes there’s more than one way to fix a problem. Angela, for example, thought the lawsuit filed against her could only end in a courtroom. However, her attorney told her about alternative dispute resolution options like mediation. It sounded helpful, but she...

6 Asset Protection Strategies to Consider

6 Asset Protection Strategies to Consider

The phrase “asset protection” is pretty easy to understand. It means protecting your assets, right? However, there’s more than one way to protect your assets. Choosing the right option or options is the hard part. You may want to consider some of the following asset...

What Happens at Mediation?

What Happens at Mediation?

Sometimes there’s more than one way to fix a problem. Take Johnny L., for instance. His company, AnnistonInsurance Co., was sued recently. His heart sank as he imagined the years of costly litigation ahead. When his attorney suggested mediation, he wanted to hear more...

4 Year End Business Issues

4 Year End Business Issues

In December, people sometimes reflect on the year as it draws to a close. On New Year’s Day we may think of what we hope to accomplish in the coming year. Business owners also may face a time of reflection at the end of their fiscal or calendar year. There are several...

How to Save Money with a Complete Estate Plan

How to Save Money with a Complete Estate Plan

In business, some people say you have to spend money to make money. In the estate planning world, sometimes you have to spend money to save money. Sounds odd but keep reading to learn how to save money with a complete estate plan. Documents Included in a Complete...

Why do we use it?

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’,...

Personal Injury Attorney Alabama